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Fabric for Nursery Sewing Projects

19 May

Fitted Crib Sheets
Now that I’ve been convinced that making a fitted crib sheet should be a piece of cake, I’ve been sorting through a bunch of fabric options that I’ve found and liked online. I think I’ve decided on the olive/chartreuse color family and I really like the five patterns below. I don’t think I’m going to purchase pre-made crib sheets at all since it will be at least $10 cheaper to make my own AND I’ll get exactly the fabric/color that I want.

Fabric Window Valances
Here is the fabric that I’m considering for the window valances. The stripes will run horizontally along the width of the window and the image shown represents the approximate height of the valances according to the scale of 12″. I may do more like 14″, we’ll see.

I am wanting to make an inexpensive and easy blanket that will be what our baby will use to play on the floor with, cuddle with, and maybe later sleep in his/her crib with.I want the front side to be in some sort of pattern and the back side to be a softy, comfy fabric called “Minky“. Here are a couple of fabric options I like. I think I want to go with the olive-y green option because it will show less dirt. Plus, it matches the crib sheets and green patches in the rug. This should be a super cheap project so I just can’t pass it up.

Homemade Quilt
I have always wanted to make a quilt and figured that I would eventually get around to it once I had my own child. Coincidentally, I am actually going to have quite a few 8 inch squares of fabric leftover from the crib sheet project so it only makes sense to turn those scraps into a quilt project. I don’t know how useful this will actually be since I’m making that soft baby blanket and since neither the blanket nor the quilt will actually be used for sleeping in the crib. It would still be a fun project to tackle. I might be a lunatic for putting this together, but here’s a little mockup of what a quilt might look like made from those 8 inch fabric scraps plus a few more selections of fabric. It’s kind of….wild, but for someone who’s a maniac for patterned fabric, it’s also kind of perfect.

Fabric Book Slings

13 May

Oh. My. Gosh. I just found another excuse to BUY MORE FABRIC. I do not know how I am only just seeing these Fabric Books Slings now but, yeah, this is so happening in OUR nursery. No doubt. Forget about the picture ledge/book shelves. These could not be any easier to make and I get to indulge in yet more fabric projects, my favorite kind. Plus, this keeps the books more securely in place while still being easily recognizable and accessible for little hands. I will probably do a row of 3 or 4 of these slings and maybe even a deeper shelf just above the top sling like in the picture below. See people?? I don’t come up with this stuff on my own, I see, I replicate. Thank you, internet.

Image from Melanie Bauer via Penny Carnival.

Owl ABC Poster

13 May

Check out this cute Owl “ABC” Poster from Gingiber’s Etsy Shop.

Nursery Mood Board

13 May


Nursery for Baby Smeltz

12 May

The time has come to start thinking about the nursery! The. Nursery.For a BABY! What the…? Baby?? Yes.

I’ve had a lot of ideas for several years now about what I would want our nursery to look like and what items I thought would be a necessity. Now that I’m 5 months pregnant and we’re expecting our own child in October, I have to say that my feelings about the nursery are pretty much the same. I don’t want it to look overtly baby but I don’t mind a little bit of cuteness and whimsy. I definitely cannot handle baby blue or baby pink.

Here are the (loose) nursery plans so far: ( I have no idea why the images are not centered like I told them to be.)

Color Scheme
The color scheme is white, charcoal gray, and chartreuse. This is based entirely off of a radical rug I bought from Urban Outfitters while shopping with my sister-in-law a few months ago.

Area Rug
The rug has a patchwork design made up of 1 1/2 to 2 inch rough rectangles in off white and various shades of gray with a few patches of chartreuse thrown in. This rug is amazing because it is the perfect size at 5 x 9, is 100% wool, is plush and cushiony for the baby, is modern yet kind of freaky looking, is totally not nursery-typical, and was a major steal at $60. It’s actually three 3 x 5 rugs that were on clearance for $19.99 each. They will simply need to be attached together from the back with industrial carpet tape. I don’t know about you, but a large plush WOOL rug for $60 is kinda unheard of. We were going to settle for something in the $250 range from FLOR, like the rest of the rooms in our house. But….I’ll take this one instead.

Accent Colors
I’d like to add another accent color to compliment the chartreuse. I thought I wanted orange to be that accent color but it’s been pretty hard to match orange to this particular chartreuse that is in the rug. As much as I don’t like the typical baby pink and blue shades I am not opposed to differentiating with a more feminine or more masculine color. Here are some ideas:

I actually really like the deep pink/cerise jewel tone with the gray and chartreuse. It would only be in a few small accents around the room but I think it’d be cute/modern/bold. Of course chartreuse and peacock teal are a no-brainer. Good for boy OR girl I think. I’ll probably throw in something orange anyways which should go with either of the two accent colors. Here’s a crazy fabric that I actually like and think would be good in a girl’s room, possibly as a pillow or cushion.

Wall Colors
The nursery walls are painted white, yes WHITE. Except for the crib wall which is painted a dark charcoal-almost-black color that also happens to be on a wall in our bedroom. (It’s Ralph Lauren’s “Smoked Glass” and I LOOOOOVE it.)

The window coverings are also white in the form of wide wooden blinds flanked by simple white curtains from Ikea. (White curtains can be bleached, I’m not crazy.) I will be constructing some sort of valance or cornice to finish off the windows. I’m considering some different fabric options for these but they will most likely be some shade of gray. Can’t decide if it’ll be light gray or something bold and patterned. Oooooh, or stripes!

The furniture currently consists of two floor-to-ceiling birch bookcases and a maple Nelson bench that more or less matches in color with the birch from the other pieces. Crazy story with the Nelson bench, we received it on accident and due to the circumstances (loooong story) it ended up being a freebie!! I will be making either a long bench cushion or 3 individual cushions, definitely in a dark color so that baby dirt won’t show up. I’m thinking a dark gray wool tweed. Alternatively, Ikea has these great pillow covers that happen to be an identical match to the chartreuse in the rug so I may use those for cushions instead. We will store plastic toy bins underneath the bench. There won’t be a changing table (horrors!) OR a dresser (you’re kidding right??). Instead, we’ll use one of those over-the-crib changing stations and store more than just clothing in a white Ikea Expedit book shelf with a few door inserts. Additionally, Mommy will have to clear some space in the dresser that hides in the nursery closet. The closet is also covered by a wall of white (bleachable) curtains hung from curtain track. I’m choosing not to imagine what trouble a little one could get into with that. I’ll think about that later…. :-)

The crib is most likely going to be a cheap-o option from Ikea. A $140 birch crib, to be exact. My first choice is a $700 crib (also birch) that is laughably not an option. My second choice might be something similarly modern in design from Walmart at $400. But at only two years of use I think the $140 option will suit just fine. Don’t quote me on that but for now that’s the direction we’re leaning.
Still researching on a crib mattress. For crib sheets, I’ve found a few that I like:

I will probably find a fabric I like and at least TRY to make my own crib sheet as well.

Wall Decor
I can’t decide what to do with the wall above the crib. It’s apparently a cardinal sin to hang shelving above a crib but since I don’t think I’ll necessarily need shelving there, I suppose it’s alright. The crib will be right next to an open shelf on the bookcase where diapers and other necessities will be very accessible. My first inclination for the crib wall is to hang 3 large, identical mirrors with ornate frames that I would paint the charcoal-black wall color. I like the idea of reflecting the light from the window directly opposite the mirrors which would really make the room seem that much bigger. Another idea is to find a very large and graphical wall decal from Etsy to adhere on the entire wall behind the crib. Depending on what I can sleuth up with the mirrors, the price could be about the same for either option. I also really really like this fabric that I could wrap around a canvas and hang above the crib.


There’s a small little spit of a wall that is about 2 feet wide and juts out into the room about 12 inches. For this we’re going to buy 3 or 4 picture ledges that will serve as front-facing “book shelves” for our kid’s library of books. (We’ll place books on the ledges instead of pictures, obviously.) True, the baby will probably pull all the books down on top of himself but….he’ll learn. The rest of the books will go on other shelves in the room but these will be for his favorite, most accessed books.

Nursing Chair
I’ve had the several year long dream that I wanted, needed, HAD-to-have an Eames Shell Rocker for the nursery. Sadly, this dream is not going to come true. Not because of it’s fairly wackadoo price tag but because it simply isn’t all that comfortable. Granted, I’ve only sat in the plastic version from DWR but I imagine the classic fiberglass version is equally as uncomfortable. But oh how it makes me sad. Instead we’ll probably settle for the ever ubiquitous Poang Chair from Ikea. Yes yes, THAT chair. I will have to spend some time in to see how I like it for myself and nursing but I’m pretty sure it’s going to work. I can’t handle those hideous monstrosities/gliders/rocking chairs from Baby’s R’ Us and I definitely can’t handle spending $900+ on the not-hideous versions. The it-will-work-just-fine-and-is-much-cheaper option AND matching ottoman from Ikea has a new finish that I haven’t seen in person and I’m sure I’ll be able to make a slip cover for the cushion. Problem solved. I think. If the Poang doesn’t end up being comfy, I’ll have to start from square one again.

More ideas to come later…..

The cutest little owl I’ve ever seen!

26 Feb

I MUST make one for my very own. :-)

Living Room Color Scheme: Updated

26 Feb

This is my current living room color scheme. Greens, browns, ivories, natural wood tones, etc.

I love these colors and I’m consistently drawn to them wherever I go. BUT, I’m interested in branching out to include a few additional colors in my living room scheme. My inspiration is Orla Kiely’s mulit-colored Stem Print pattern. I first saw this pattern a couple of years ago on some design blog and I just love it! I can’t afford $200 + for her Stem Print pillow-but, it’s just too cute! I guess I am going to have to figure out an alternative even if it means hacking my own version. (I’m thinking about attempting this by creating a petal-shaped pattern, cutting petals out of different $.50 felt sheets and ironing them on a linen background, maybe with a little hand-stitching thrown in for good measure. Gimpy? Maybe.)

Marimekko Fabric

26 Feb

I love these Marimekko fabrics and I’d love to have one of these patterns in my living room somewhere. Problem is, the patterns are all very large in scale so they wouldn’t do well for pillows. I have been considering adding a bold patterned curtain to my LR windows so one of these prints could work. It’s just that they’re over $50 per yard and I need 5 1/2 yards. YIKES! Not happening. The other option is to get a single yard of my favorite pattern and stretch it over a canvas. This is a really popular way of displaying Marimekko fabrics, probably because they’re so pricey (and they make great art). Hmm…what to do what to do….

I am really going to enjoy going to one of the Marimekko Concept stores when we go to NYC in April. 

DwellStudio for Anthropologie: Chinoiserie Bedding

17 Feb

We just got this new duvet from Anthropologie over the weekend. I’ve had my eye on it for ages and It was way on sale so I jumped on it. I absolutely love it. The duvet pictured is slightly different from the one we purchased at Anthropologie. Ours has green/yellow/peach birds instead of the blue/orange/gold birds as shown. I’m not convinced that the blue shade on our bedroom walls is working with the new duvet though. The color would have worked perfectly with the other chinoiserie duvet (with the blue/orange birds) but at the time of purchase, I did not realize there were two different color-ways. Oh well. The pattern rocks and I am making it work no matter what even if that means painting the walls. *think* Yes, I will be painting the walls, I just decided. I will be on the lookout for the perfect shade of greige….stay tuned.

Speaking of Anthropologie, I am hoping to infuse a bit of its’ eclectic vintage feel into our bedroom’s decor. For starters, I’m going to replace the ceiling fan with a crystal chandelier. YES, I said crystal chandelier. It’s going to be awesome! It’s from my parents’ dining room in the 1920’s co-op they just bought. I am also going to make a tufted upholstered headboard. ( I’ve had the foam core for months but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.) Next I will get a large 8 x 10 rug which will cover a good bit of the wood floors and soften the entire look of the room. I’d like something very textural like woven heathered-jute.

(By the way, none of these projects will be attended to until the summer time if I have money by then.)

Mood Board: Nursery

13 Feb