Archive | May, 2011

Thirty One Weeks

24 May

Thirty Weeks

18 May

Finn will be 7 months old tomorrow.

Fabric Ideas for Finn’s Weekly Photos

12 May

I haven’t bought fabric in almost 6 months people! Wow. Time to stock up again! Here are a few fabrics that I think would be cute/cool/nice/I-just-like-it-and-need-a-good-exuse-to-buy-it for Finn’s weekly photo project. We still have 23 more weeks to go and I don’t want a single one of those weeks to be on any more shower curtains. Well, I guess it could be a shower curtain so long as it’s not striped, sheer or shiny. Blech. My local fabric stores have some pretty weak selections so I’m turning to the internet for better options. I still have a number of fabrics in mind from when I was planning the nursery last year as seen here and here but I also like these new selections.

I can’t wait to use all of the fabrics for various projects when the 52 weeks are up. So help me, I WILL make a quilt and it WILL be large enough and sturdy enough to actually use.

Twenty Nine Weeks

12 May

This past week or two I feel like Finn has gone from being a baby to a little boy. Seriously, he has been so much more active these past two weeks, especially now that he is sitting up (and getting better at it every. single. day.) Yesterday he decided that it would be fun to jump up and down in his walker, throwing himself backwards until he got stuck in a corner. That is some funny stuff right there. He is also ba-ba-ing and ga-ga-ing like crrrray-z. And biting me. (So that’s what those teeth are for!) This kid has personality to spare, though I hesitate to peg him as particular “type” just yet. I’m still undecided on that. As for Finn’s current stats, he weighed 18 pounds, 2 ounces at his 6 1/2 month checkup and measured something like 26 1/4 inches long. (Couldn’t exactly make out what the Dr. scribbled.) That seems to be on the short-ish side in my opinion but then, so are his parents. He went from being in the 90th-ish percentile to a boring ole’ average percentile, but no worries there. It will be interesting to observe his growth once he starts noshing on real food.

Here is Finn’s photo for this week. I DID take it on Tuesday but failed to get it posted in a timely fashion. My bad. For those that (or should it be who?) stalk my blog all day until I post the weekly photo (*ahem* Finn’s grandparents) my apologies. hehe. And in case you’re wondering what that sheer and crumpled mess of a fabric is, it’s another shower curtain. Awwww yiieah.

Twenty Eight Weeks

3 May

This Sunday we decided that Finn officially “sat up” by himself. He’s been trying for the past couple of weeks and he was finally able to stay balanced enough for us to consider it a legit sit up. Each day he tries it out and gets a little bit stronger. He is also very close to crawling. Well, at least I think so. He gets on his knees and rocks back and forth quite vigorously and I can tell he is wanting/trying to push up on his hands. It is really looks quite hilarious. He is such a cutie! Like for example, today, he was watching me verrrry intently as I ate some peanuts. I suppose I was making some smacking noises because when he caught my eye, he started to mimic me and make some smacking noises/chomping motions of his own. I kept pretend-chewing to see what he would do and he followed right along with me. I am often eating some sort of snack while nursing and this whole mommy eating thing is fascinating to him. And now that he is sitting in his booster seat at the table with us, he has become all the more interested. Finn is ready for food, no doubt. I have been in no hurry whatsoever because I believe that food at 6 months old isn’t a necessity. And honestly, breastfeeding is just so easy and so convenient and the most perfect form of nourishment that I haven’t really wanted to rock the boat. However, we’re going to go ahead and introduce Finn to some baby foods, one at a time, starting in a couple of weeks. Sweet potato, bananas, avocados and whole grain cereals, here we come! We will be spacing each new food out by at least 4 days so it will be a slow process. I am totally fine with that!