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Florida Botanical Gardens

31 Mar

We took a lovely walk with Finn’s grandparents (Dave’s parents) at the Florida Botanical Gardens yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful there! There is so much to see that you should plan to give yourself some time to take it all in. Here are a few pictures of some of the things I liked. I could easily go again tomorrow and find a completely different slew of plants and trees to photograph.

Ready to Ride

31 Mar

Snapshots: Daily Life

8 Mar

Random piece of pizza found in the middle of the street.

I just can’t be a slacker anymore. Yoga, Pilates, Circuit Training, whatever. Bring it on.

What are YOU looking at??

2 Mar

Fun with Forest Friends

19 Jan

I can’t help myself, I just have to post all of these crazy photos of Finn staring at the mobile that’s attached to his bouncer. We call them his “forest friends” or “plastic pals.” He has so much fun with these (when he’s in the right mood) and I have so much fun watching him. I will have to post a video of him kicking wildly to make bouncer move. It is hilarious.

Eleven Weeks

4 Jan

Finn loves to use his hands as chew toys. I can no longer count on that as a hunger cue as he will suck on his fingers and hands incessantly regardless of whether or not he is hungry.

Finn and the Chandelier

3 Jan

One of Finn’s favorite pastimes lately has been studying the chandelier in our bedroom. We bring him into our bed for cuddle time after we’ve all woken up in the morning and he especially enjoys laying there to oooh and aaah up at the ceiling. He has been absolutely mesmerized by this chandelier for a good half dozen times at least. Once I fell back asleep on accident and his loud sassing and chattering at it woke me back up.

A Very Motley Christmas

29 Dec

Don’t we look…..(sp)iffy??? And by iffy I mean downright redickledackle. I did warn Dave about that vest….

And this, ladies and gentleman, is the extent of our photos from Finn’s First Christmas Day. Notice, Finn doesn’t actually make an appearance. Not joking. But that is another blog post in which I lament my sin of idolatry and selfishness as God continues to humble me and reveal to me that the things I have found important are actually anything but.

Ten Weeks

28 Dec

Nine Weeks

22 Dec

Nine weeks. Thirteen Pounds. Twenty four inches.