Archive | March, 2011

Florida Botanical Gardens

31 Mar

We took a lovely walk with Finn’s grandparents (Dave’s parents) at the Florida Botanical Gardens yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful there! There is so much to see that you should plan to give yourself some time to take it all in. Here are a few pictures of some of the things I liked. I could easily go again tomorrow and find a completely different slew of plants and trees to photograph.

Ready to Ride

31 Mar

Twenty Three Weeks

30 Mar

Yep, he’s a-teethin’!! One of his bottom teeth has already made it to the surface (it’s super sharp!) and the one right next to it is about to poke through. Though he’s a bit out of sorts, we think it’s pretty great. Yay for Finn and his chompers!

Twenty Two Weeks

23 Mar

5 months old. 16 pounds. About 26 inches long.

Twenty One Weeks

15 Mar

I’m not going to lie, I’m running out of fabric. I looked at the clock this evening, saw that it was after 6pm and thought “Oops, I guess I have to take a photo still!”. So for the sake of time, I used the living room rug this week. What?!?! It’s still a textile!

Snapshots: Daily Life

8 Mar

Random piece of pizza found in the middle of the street.

I just can’t be a slacker anymore. Yoga, Pilates, Circuit Training, whatever. Bring it on.

Twenty Weeks

8 Mar

Snapshots: Daily Life

4 Mar

These precious feet have been the source of much amusement to both Finn and myself.

A delicious smorgasbord from Mazzaro’s!

It looks like he has some crib slat markings on his face. I really need to get those bumpers ASAP.

What are YOU looking at??

2 Mar

Snapshot: My Workspace (again)

2 Mar

Still messy. Just like last time. I need professional help.